Thursday, February 27, 2020

Personal Leadership Development Project Paper Essay

Personal Leadership Development Project Paper - Essay Example The training period, all the trainees are conduct seminar, study classes etc, for developing the quality of employees. It is a good training. Verizon wireless, my role is to design the job, job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, selection, hiring, induction, evaluation of performance, compensation management, training and development, welfare administration, employee movements, health and safety administration, grievance handling, discipline etc. The H R training in offices getting lot of experience, these experience are helps to manage the colloquies in the organization, also helps to identify the minds and behaviour of sub-ordinates. In my carrier planned some strategies. First one is to keeping 99% attitude for work and personal matter. Attitude is 99 percent, every person’s carrier is successful, for the reason I am keeping attitude for one year for the marketing training period, and our attitude is loose at one time for losing our carrier. Another strategy is to don’t cheating others. As a manager, in my view, to achieving the goal of the organization, to motivate and trained to the subordinates to achieve the higher volume of business. Which subordinates are performing better, to give additional bonus, gifts etc,. The main role of HR manager is to functioning the effective utilization of human resource in an organization. The overall goal of the organization is to building strong brands, expanding the bus iness, and getting marketing leadership. The main goal of organization is to create a new business in new areas. The top of the organization focusing expanding the networks across the countries. The training is conducting in the branch office; communicate the sub-ordinates for the entire process of organization and the organizational goals. The aim and objectives of the company is to achieve the market leader in wireless network. It is a very good feedback from my sub-ordinates or trainees, because,

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Lupus Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Lupus - Research Paper Example Lupus is a complex autoimmune disorder affecting numerous bodily systems (Bernknopf, Rowley, & Bailey, 2011). The disease can manifest in clusters of symptoms that have been described as specific syndromes (Zandman-Goddard, Solomon, Rosman, Peeva, & Shoenfeld, 2012). Although there is no cure for the disease, the symptoms caused by lupus can be treated with medications (Bernkopf et al., 2011). There may be an environmentally imposed aspect of the disease in some patients that develop lupus (Zandman-Goddard et al., 2012). Knowing the cause of a disease can increase our ability to understand and therefore treat the disease. Unfortunately, this is not possible with lupus. The exact cause of lupus is unknown, and while it is posited that there may be a genetic factor involved, no specific gene related to lupus has been identified (Lupus Foundation of America, 2012). Individuals with family members who have lupus or another autoimmune disorder are more likely to develop lupus, and twin studies show increased likelihood of developing lupus in one twin when the other has it (Lupus Foundation of America, 2012). Certain ethnic backgrounds demonstrate a greater frequency of lupus, including African, Native American, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Island ethnicities (Lupus Foundation of America, 2012). Although anyone can get the disease, research shows that lupus appears in these populations more frequently than in others. The environmental aspect of lupus is related to the disease’s initial appearance, as well as the flare-ups the disease causes. For the disease to surface or flare up, there is exposure to some environmental catalyst that sets off a disease process (Lupus Foundation of America, 2012). ... It is also believed that the hormone estrogen is implicated in lupus, as the symptoms of the disease often first manifest during pregnancy or childbirth and can flare up with the menstrual cycle (Lupus Foundation of America, 2012). Despite the identification of these common factors in the backgrounds of individuals who develop lupus, science has yet to pinpoint a cause or cure for the disease. Anyone can get lupus and it does not appear to manifest more in any geographic location than another (Lupus Foundation of America, 2012). Scientists do not believe the disease is caused by anything in the diet of the sufferer, and cannot definitively state whether pollution could play a role (Lupus Foundation of America, 2012). Some studies have linked lupus with cigarette smoking, vitamin D deficiency, and vaccines, but have still been unable to attribute cause to any one of these (Zandman-Goddard et al., 2012). According to the present epidemiological data available on the disease, systemic l upus erythematosus usually appears in adult women aged twenty to forty years (Bernknopf et al., 2011). Its prevalence ranges from 14.6 to 68 cases per 100,000 population (Bernknopf et al., 2011). It appears in African American women as many as three to four times as frequently as in Caucasian women (Bernknopf et al., 2011). Only 15-20% of lupus cases are diagnosed during childhood (Livingston, Bonner, & Pope, 2011). There are a variety of symptoms that a person with lupus may describe during their first bout of lupus. Fever, fatigue, and weight loss are common complaints (Bernknopf et al., 2011). The symptoms of lupus can also appear on the skin in the form of a rash or in the mouth as an